Do It Differently: a Film for Dads
"I've seen a lot of friends run themselves ragged trying to figure out autism when, in reality, you just have to figure out one child."
This brilliant quote is from the remarkable little documentary Do It Differently.
Several months ago, Scott Phillips of Fan Blade Films wrote to tell me he had made a film about autism dads called Do It Differently. He enjoyed my blog and wanted to send me a DVD. His only request: if I liked the film, he asked that I let people know.
I'm ashamed to admit it's taken me until now to watch it. Life. No excuses, just life.
Anyway, I loved it. It's wonderfully touching and deceptively simple: interviews with four dads, interspersed with home movies and other vignettes from their lives.
I'll go further: I think Do It Differently should be required viewing for all autism dads. These guys show what it means to be in touch, involved, and engaged. We know moms are carrying the burden, so it's refreshing to see some dads who are in it, too.
Watch the trailer above and, if you're so inclined, consider supporting this independent film by purchasing a copy here.