I'm always on the lookout for individuals and organizations that may be helpful on this journey. Here are a few.[two_columns_one]

Autism Resources

Visualizing the Autism Spectrum: In trying to understand what the autism spectrum actually looks like, I developed my own diagram that I think better explains it than any other I've seen.

The Golden Hat Foundation's mission is "...to change the way people on the autism spectrum are perceived, by shining a light on their abilities and emphasizing their great potential. With proper education and career training, these individuals can truly realize their dreams."

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network, or ASAN, is a nonprofit advocacy organization run by and for individuals on the autism spectrum.

M-CHAT is a free, comprehensive, and anonymous autism screening tool for children age 16-30 months.

Apps for Children with Special Needs is a site that reviews and rates autism-related apps for the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and other devices.

MyAutismTeam is a social network for parents of ASD kids, where users can share stories, insights, tips, and recommendations.

Autism Games is a collection of activities you can do with your child to focus on specific skills and interactions.

The DSM-V for Autism (CDC website) provides the DSM's criteria for diagnosing autism.

Autism News Beat is a parent-run website providing scientific, fact-based articles on autism.

The Autism Science Foundation is and does pretty much what its name implies.

The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative is a regularly updated resource for science-based autism research news.

Autism: a Complex Diagnosis is a helpful interactive tool that allows you to see if your child might have ASD (autism, PDD-NOS, or Asperbgers).

Questioning Autism?: A simple iOS app (iPhone / iPod) designed to help parents and caregivers understand the signs and symptoms of autism, and communicate their concerns to their pediatrician. Disclosure: I designed the app. Read more hereNote: sadly, the app is not supported under iOS7 or later.



Lung Disease Resources

The Childrens Interstitial and Diffuse Lung Disease Foundation (chILD) Foundation is the leading organization for parents and caregivers of children with rare pediatric lung diseases.

The ChILD (Lung) Foundation UK is dedicated to raising awareness and the profile of rare lung diseases.

Children's Interstitial Lung Disease or (chILD) Parent Support Group is a Yahoo! group set up for parents and caregivers of children with interstitial lung diseases.



If you have more recommendations, please send them along.